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May 27, 2011

The Show Notes

Secular Coalition for America
Balticon Schedule
PFA Sunday and Monday
Girls Gone Insane at Pseudopod
Religious Moron of the Week
     - Michael Thomas Henderson from Evil Eye
Rupert McClanahan’s Indestructible Bastards
     - Steven McCormack
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Mentioned in the Show



Pseudopod 230: Girls Gone Insane


Philadelphia Funk Authority


Geo's Music: stock up!

The catalog at iTunes

The catalog at CD Baby


Sign up for the mailing list: Write to Geo!

A reminder that the new portal to the Geologic Universe is at

Score more data from the Geologic Universe! Get George's edition Non-Coloring Book at Lulu, both as download and print editions.

Check out Geo's wiki page thanks to Tim Farley.

Have a comment on the show, a Religious Moron tip, or a question for Ask George? Drop George a line and write to Geo's Mom, too!

Ms. Information sez, "Come up and say hello if you see me at Balticon!"