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Mar 26, 2015

The Show Notes

Hi, Moose!
Cruz’s Presidential Announcement from LIBERTY University
The History Chunk
     - March 26th
Blurred Lines Ruling
     - Iggy Pop, Jet, & Green Day
Religious Moron of the Week
     - Duck Dynasty Douche Phil Robertson from Jody Boese
Interesting Fauna
     - The Limpet and its super-strong teeth
Ask George
     - Clams? from Fred B.
     - Drum Solos? from Pat J.
     - Standards? from Shawn St. Clair
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Mentioned in the Show

The Limpet:
"Extreme strength observed in limpet teeth"


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Have a comment on the show, a Religious Moron tip, or a question for Ask George? Drop George a line and write to Geo's Mom, too!

Ms. Info sez, "Howdy, Moose! And thanks to all of you who support the show. We love alla' yooz!"



Leif Pedersen
almost ten years ago

Cool to hear George on the skeptics guide!