Feb 25, 2016
The Show Notes
Mom’s Birthday Dinner
Joe’s Ultimate Five Piece
Crazy Week
Mr. Gibson
Religious Moron of the Week
- The members of “Stop Safe Schools”
from Ida Candiloro
Homophobia Study
Atheist Nomads Interview
The Election and PC culture
Rupert McClannahan’s Indestructible Bastards
- Eric 'Winkle' Brown
An e-mail
Fancast Number Nine
Show close
Mentioned in the Show
Indestructible Bastard’s list of airplanes
Homophobia Study
"Spiritual Healing & Balance Through Colonic
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I've been listening to this podcast for quite a while now. There's only two things I can recall that would fit Geo's cryptic email segment. Whichever one it is I hope I'm not the only one here to recognize the growth of our host in close to a decades time and subsequently the podcast he produces so generously for us week after week. I'd respond to either case ONLY if it would yield a constructive outcome on one or both sides of the situation. I wouldn't say ignoring something is a position of power by necessity. If your response would somehow allow the sender to move on more cleanly, or put whatever it is that happened in the past better than has been able to do thus far then a non-response could in that case be a position of power, and you might want to consider offering up a response so that whatever it is at hand might be put to rest once and for all. If it's clear from the contents of the communication that there is nothing positive to be gained with further correspondence than noping out of the situation is a natural and not at all scathing power move. Good Vibes George.