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Jun 22, 2017

The Show Notes

Barenaked Ladies
Doing God’s Work
Ask George
     - Copyright? from Blake in Colorado
     - Condolences? from Scott
     - Earworm? from Donovan W.
Wanting Social Interaction
Religious Moron of the Week
     - Metropolitan Kornily from Bill Dowling
NECSS is next week!
Rupert McClannahan’s Indestructible Bastards
     - Navy SEAL Senior Chief Mike Day    
PFA at Weyerbacher Brewery on Saturday
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Mentioned in the Show

Philadelphia Funk Authority
at Weyerbacher Brewery
Saturday June 24th 1-6
(PFA plays 2 to 6)
905 Line Street, Easton, PA 18042

Geo's grief talk:
"Unbelief and Grief: Thinking critically about loss and mourning"

From Ms. Info, a favorite moment in music history:
Chris Hadfield and Barenaked Ladies and the Wexford Gleeks
“I.S.S. (Is Somebody Singing)”

I.S.S. Commander Chris Hadfield joins The Barenaked Ladies and the Wexford Gleeks in the first space-to-earth musical collaboration. The song, "I.S.S. (Is Somebody Singing) was commissioned by and The Coalition for Music Education with the Canadian Space Agency to celebrate music education in schools across Canada.


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Score more data from the Geologic Universe! Get George's Non-Coloring Book at Lulu, both as and E-BOOK and PRINT editions.

Check out Geo's wiki page thanks to Tim Farley.

Have a comment on the show, a Religious Moron tip, or a question for Ask George? Drop George a line and write to Geo's Mom, too!