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Apr 16, 2009

The Show Notes

Mortimer again once more again with the calling in thing
Easter was nice
Please email Geo’s Uncle
Taxman '97
The Daily Show from Non-Coloring Book
Phil Plait in NYC!
Geologic Radio Archive is available
Exclusive Facebook stuff
Tempo's Remastered Samba Ye
Show close


Email Geo's Uncle with your good wishes: Write to Roman.

Mentioned in the show: The Geologic Radio Hour archive; Dr. Phil Plait's lecture evening with the New York City Skeptics; Dr. Plait at the Hayden Planetarium; Geo's fan site on Facebook; Geo's personal page at Facebook; Minutiae art in Geo's living room; Tempo from the archives; Geo's Dad in the blue tux jacket..

Sign up for the mailing list: Write to Geo!

Score more data from the Geologic Universe! Get George's music at CD Baby and iTunes, and Non-Coloring Book at Lulu, both as download and print editions.

Have a comment on the show, a Religious Moron tip, or a question for Ask George? Drop George a line and write to Geo's Mom or Ms. Information, too!

Ms. Information says the east coast happily welcomes the astronomical Dr. Plait!

almost sixteen years ago

Sounded fine to me.
Cha Cha CHA!!!

p.s. the audiobook idea is not so bad... gives the material another quality... immediacy

Cheers from Sydney. _PP

almost sixteen years ago

Happy eleventy-first episode indeed! I sent your Uncle a note and am wishing him well.

I grabbed a copy of Coelacanth and a few other tracks from I-tunes the other day. I intend to get more as well as order some actual physical albums.

Thanks for all the chuckles, info, music, and free-thought!

almost sixteen years ago

Yay! More George, more George!

almost sixteen years ago

I love the radio show archive. You totally sucked me in on your imaginary guests gag. I was waiting around to hear from the tallest violist. I played viola back in the day.

almost sixteen years ago

Geo, just writing to say I enjoyed the show.(\"Great, bozo, now he thinks you hated all the other ones!\")

As a confessed fan of Jon Stewart, the Non-Coloring Book excerpt gave me a real feel for what it must have been like to be in the Daily Show audience... but I think the highlight of this week\'s episode was the Tempo song you finished with.

I\'m about the same age as you and lived for a time in the USSR (and later, Russia), and the rush of nostalgia I felt simply listening to that piece was overwhelming. Alas, I never studied Ukrainian, but there are enough similarities between the two languages that I could work out many of the lyrics. Reminded me a bit of some of Vladimir Vysotsky\'s more playful material, actually.

Thanks again for the podcast. Oh, and of course I fired off an email to Uncle Roman. Perhaps the first he\'ll receive from the UK. Or, at least, from Newcastle. Oh, okay, fine... from my house. Geesh. ;-)

almost sixteen years ago

1.Show sounded fine to me.

2.Who was this genius who convinced you to join Facebook? Truly this must be a person of astounding brilliance...and hot.

3.Icepick, you had me at \\\"rabid Jon Stewart fan\\\". And no, it was not just you - I thought exactly the same thing.

4.I\\\'m sorry to hear about Uncle Roman. I\\\'ll send him a little note. (with photos?)

5.Great show. Nighty, night.

almost sixteen years ago

Podcast funny? Check.

Sound levels good? Check.

Uncle-gram dispatched? Check.

My work here is done.

almost sixteen years ago

One of my favorite essays from non coloring book. I\\\'m a rabid john Stewart fan and it warms my cockles to hear that it is the real shit and not just highly edited hack.

Was it just me or could everyone hear George\\\'s voice in his Dad\\\'s singing?

George Hrab
almost sixteen years ago


I have checked 4 different sources of the show and it sounds ok to me. I wonder what\\\'s up? Is anyone else having the same problem? I listened to my original file, from the podcast site, from a seperate window and on iTunes. All sound ok. Or have I had some kind of stroke?

Tell me what\\\'s up? Hmmmm...
