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Apr 23, 2009

The Show Notes

Thanks for the e-mails, you heathens!
Hanging With Phil Plait, PhD

- NY Wall Climb
- Dreet
Religious Moron of the Week
- The Maker of Information Age Prayer  from Paul Fischer
The similarities of the dynamic to puke, cum, die
The Amaz!ng Meeting 7
Drums Done. Bass Done. Acoustic Done.
Slau's Mic Shootout
Am I being obnoxious? YES.
Meeting JD
PFA in NYC on Thursday the 30th
Show close


Email Geo's Uncle with your good wishes: Write to Roman.

Mentioned in the show: Dr. Plait and Bad Astronomy; the fabulous Rebecca Watson and Skepchick; Paul Fischer and Balticon; Information Age Prayer; Sessions with Slau and the Vocal Mic Shootout; the Red Lion in Manhattan; Philadelphia Funk Authority.

Sign up for the mailing list: Write to Geo!

Score more data from the Geologic Universe! Get George's music at CD Baby and iTunes, and Non-Coloring Book at Lulu, both as download and print editions.

Have a comment on the show, a Religious Moron tip, or a question for Ask George? Drop George a line and write to Geo's Mom or Ms. Information, too!

Ms. Information says "Dear Diary, meeting Dr. Plait was like seeing a supernova up close. Cosmically hawt!"

almost fourteen years ago

About dying and the dynamic surrounding it: I worked in a teaching hospital at one point in my quest for a degree. Not only did I have the privilege of working in the morgue with the pathologist on call, but I also drew blood and had to cover “codes”. So, I have seen people die right in front of me, numerous times. Some were individuals who I had gotten to know because I had drawn their labs during the course of their stay. A few of them shared their precognitive awareness of impending death even though they did not appear to be at risk for imminent death. For some reason, patients and others would confide all kinds of interesting thoughts with me. My favorite pathologist was as far as I know, a skeptic. He was Jewish, but not religious. I asked him about this state considering the individual’s lab work and condition did not reflect their own perception. He said that he had seen this before also. It wasn’t the “out of body” stuff, but a real sense of being close to death. My own mother (retired RN) who had congestive heart failure was recovering from a hospital stay in her ACLF’s nursing center when she asked to see the Assistant Nursing Director who she really liked. She said she wanted some vanilla ice cream, got the ice cream, started to eat it and then patted her own face and said she was “still there” and would finish the dish before going further. She smiled, laughed some and then finished the big dish of ice cream and proceeded to die post haste. Since I wasn’t there to witness this I did have to accept the other nurse’s accounting, but we knew each other well enough to allow me to totally accept her at her word. I arrived not long after she died and my mom was still smiling.
Keisha may also have something about giving birth. One of the first positions I held as a nurse in acute care was in Labor and Delivery. But I think other medically related events might be worth considering as well such as migraine syndrome, seizures, as mentioned previously fainting, etc.
Just my take as both and artist and nurse. See you on FaceBook!

Chris Sol
almost sixteen years ago


you need your own podcast! That celeb stuff above ... gold!

ReCaptcha = natural 35. If only ...

George Hrab
almost sixteen years ago


The show notes will be in the LYRICS section from now on.

Thank Ms.Info for doing that! SWEET.



Richard Drumm
almost sixteen years ago

You can imagine me laughing out loud as I walked the dog out in the field behind the house when you mentioned my goofy moniker! What a hoot! Keep up the good podcasting work!
Richard Drumm The Astronomy Bum

almost sixteen years ago

Re: Atheists coming together to share well-wishes areligiously

Isn\'t that called Geopaganism?

Brian Mahony
almost sixteen years ago


you are mor akin to the celebrity ice cream cake....who gives a shit about the meal when u know that there\\\'s a fudgie the whale in the room?? LOL

THE FOURTH THING: needing to really take a dump

also I was the one who sent the hoops&yoyo ecards to your uncle....i hope he really enjoyed them...i had a family member going through a similiar predicament and, unfortunately he did not make it, but i know that if we all pull for him he will kick its ass.

oh and i think im a skeptic...well i\\\'ll email u with details...

~No E Mahony

PS: no ps this time. The Recaptcha wasn\\\'t that interesting :D

almost sixteen years ago

I wonder, if 1000 people subscribe to a certain prayer, does the computer say it 1000 times, with 1 name on the screen at a time, or 1 time with 1000 names on the screen? Hmmm?

posty mcposterton
almost sixteen years ago

Oh, snap.. the Rachel Maddow Show from 4/24/09 just did a funny \\\"news set to auto tune\\\" bit. HILARIOUS... I thought of you immediately, Geo.


Hugh jass
almost sixteen years ago

Geo, it would be much appreciated if you put the show notes into the comment on the podcast.

almost sixteen years ago

Moron? Moron?? I say moneymaking GENIUS! I was unable to find any mention on the site of the Owner/President/CEO\\\'s religious views, and this disclaimer:

sort of denies the usefulness of the electronic prayers altogether.

I think the morons are the ones who give this site money, without thinking about all the inconsistencies Geo brought up (Or about the whole god thing in general).

You know what they say about a fool and their money...

almost sixteen years ago

Great episode! One of the best.

Don\'t know if you noticed, but the BA gave you a plug. Dugg it at over at


you egg bra hero you!

almost sixteen years ago

I wonder, do they have the different religions said on different computers. I\'m sure that there are a lot of christians that would not want their prayers said on the same computer as those heathen muslims. I can see it now, you have to have the protestant server, the muslim server, the catholic server, etc...

Dr. Dim
almost sixteen years ago

As I have some experience in this area, I would same a fourth sensation could be fainting. When I was younger I was prone to panic attacks which could result in me passing out. It\\\\\\\'s impossible to describe the feeling,but, once it begins to happen, there is no mistaking it.

However, if you learn the early stages of the feeling of fainting, you can sometimes prevent it.

almost sixteen years ago

Drowning would be my suggestion for a \\\'fourth\\\' (fifth? Sixth?). There\\\'s a point where you just lose hope and start inhaling water and I think it\'s akin.

almost sixteen years ago

The religious moron was the best, Geo the way you presented it was perfect.

But... These people must be a Poe, no?

\\\"Complete Jewish Package\\\" not that I am an expert or anything but aren\\\'t Jewish Packages usually cut?

almost sixteen years ago

That was, bar none, my favourite religious moron ever. I am sending that link (and, of course, an attribution link here) to everyone I can think of.

Paul Maki
almost sixteen years ago

Yes, please choose one of the alternate \\\"celebrity (insert food product here)\\\" suggestions. I use cornstarch down my pants in the summertime so, uh, well, you see...

Dr. Dim
almost sixteen years ago

As I have some experience in this area, I would same a fourth sensation could be fainting. When I was younger I was prone to panic attacks which could result in me passing out. It\\\'s impossible to describe the feeling,but, once it begins to happen, there is no mistaking it.

However, if you learn the early stages of the feeling of fainting, you can sometimes prevent it.

almost sixteen years ago

I think the fourth thing is making an ass of yourself. The wrong words bubble up and you know they\'re exactly the wrong words, but something inside you is determined to say them anyway, and while they\'re coming out -- before they even hit air -- a small voice in the back of your brain is shouting \"Nooooooo!\" but it doesn\'t matter because some other part of the brain has decided that today is Ass Day, so let\'s have a goddamn parade.

almost sixteen years ago

Around here you\'d be celebrity oatmeal. Rather flaky, but you really stretch the meat.

Huh, what?!

The Psychic Chinchilla
almost sixteen years ago

Information Age Prayer? A new revolutionary idea? Yah right. They totally ripped of the amazingness (is that a word? oh well) that is Margret Atwood. Defiantly deserving of the religious morons of the week \\\'award\\\' if you will.
No no...not the red dress! Not the red dress!

You may be cornstarch, but without cornstarch there is no gravy and without gravy the turkey just isn\\\'t the same

George Hrab
almost sixteen years ago


Good one!

I think that is TOTALLY a 4th one.



almost sixteen years ago


What a brave new world we live in, where Electric Monks take care of our religious obligations for us! Douglas Adams would be so proud of himself.

Brent Weichsel
almost sixteen years ago

The closest thing I can think of is when you are working on a piece of art (Im using this broadly music, film, writing, painting, photography, GD layout) and You don\\\'t know how its going to go together but then when you finally FINALLY nail it.

Oh you know you nailed it.

At least I know how that goes for me. Definitely up there with the puke, cuming, and dying.

almost sixteen years ago

Could the fourth thing be labor/childbirth? I\\\'ve never been pregnant, but I\\\'ve heard women talk about knowing when junior/ette was ready to crown.

posty mcposterton
almost sixteen years ago

Awesome... I go on vacation and barely miss Geo #111... but now that I\\\'m back, it\\\'s like, two in one day... sweet!!!
