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Nov 9, 2012

The Show Notes

Bank Architecture
Electile Dysfunction with Karl Rove
Religious Moron(s) of the week
     - Rabbi Yitzhak from David Hirsh
     - John McTernan from Rhonda Sharpe
Congrats to the Mermiki-baby
Ethiopian Tablets
Ask George 
     - Earplugs? from Ed
     - Lessons? from Dave not Dav
Skepticon this weekend!
See Cloud Atlas
Show close

Mentioned in the show

Skepticon 9-11
Springfield Missouri

Geo performs Friday 9th

The Mad Art Lab Quickies Geo mentioned

The original article:
"Ethiopian kids hack OLPCs in 5 months with zero instruction"
Ms. Information wants you to know that
she found this via Bruce Press aka Icepick.

Skepticon Secret Word: vibrato


Geo's Music: stock up!

The catalog at iTunes

The catalog at CD Baby


Sign up for the mailing list: Write to Geo!

A reminder that the new portal to the Geologic Universe is at

Score more data from the Geologic Universe! Get George's Non-Coloring Book at Lulu, both as and E-BOOK and PRINT editions.

Check out Geo's wiki page thanks to Tim Farley.

Get your George HrApp here. Thanks to Gerry Orkin for the design and engineering.

Have a comment on the show, a Religious Moron tip, or a question for Ask George? Drop George a line and write to Geo's Mom, too!

Ms. Info sez, "Congratulations to my friends Bridget and Milton on the beautiful Baby MermiKid!" ... Also- that Town Hall Crimson concert was killer!

eleven and a half years ago

Re: "proportional because 20% women in the country" bit. | Hmm... It just might be proportional - the question is to what, and what of it. Consider the following scenario: in country X 4% of men are politically active, yet only 1% of women... which still adds up to millions of people on each side so nobody can tell the percentages at a glance through anegdotes or personal experiences. If then the male/female split in the ruling body were 50-50, that would mean there's an insanely strong bias towards one party rather than actual equality. The male-female proportions in the candidate pool are 80-20, so if gender weren't a biasing factor in selecting them the selection would be essentially random in regards to it and you'd expect to see a split that's about similar in the chosen candidates. Then making unvoiced but hinted at impications of sexism in the process if the split weren't 50-50 would be pretty ehhhhhhhhhhh. I don't have the relevant numbers for the US, but maybe this is what's happened.

over twelve years ago

Re: Earplugs?

That little flap that you press on your ear is called your tragus.

over twelve years ago

Speaking of bank permanence, I remember when you were talking about the cleaning of your bank's facade and they found a wonderful gold facade under all the dirt. The architect would never have guessed that some day his design would have to power washed for people to see it.

Also, regarding Karl Rove, I loved Rachael Maddow's wonderful comments about the immense conflict of interest by having Rove, the single biggest personal contributor to the Romney campaign in Ohio, trying to skew the news.