Feb 16, 2013
Zombie winners:
- JHG Redekop, Logan Ayliffe, Scott
Dave Bauer and Nic
Show 300
You can be a Geographer or Geologist
Religious Moron(s) of the Week
- Fayhan Ghamdi from Scott
- Cecil Glenn Powe Jr. from Adam
- Walter Slonopas from Kevin
TAM 2013
Happy Valentine’s Day
- You Make Me Feel Brand New
Interesting Fauna
- Actual Flying Squid
- Chromodoris reticulata
Laugh-Bark on XM
Dr. Damian Handzy’s Facts That’ll Fuck Y’Up
- Guess who’s sold 40 million tickets
Thanks again and again.
Show close
Geologic Podcast
The Geologic Podcast is, and will always be available for
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*boots not included among extra stuff. Or boat shoes. And
definitely no flip-flops.
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• Access to the Geologic Radio Hour Archive
Over 20 hours of bonus radio silliness recorded before the
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• Exclusive offers for Custom, Podcast-related products
The Best of Mortimer, The Complete notThe Bible,
The Moroniest Religious Morons of the Week and more…
• A Last-Aid Kit
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$7.95 per month (less than two bucks a show)
As a Geologist you receive:
• Our endless appreciation and love. No- REALLY.
• All of the above Geographer items PLUS
• A Weekly E-mail from George
Or maybe Mortimer, Or Geo’s mom, or someone… but something
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• A Custom Geologic Podcast T-shirt
Let your friends know this is why you laugh like a crazy person
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As a Geologist you get extra, exclusive monthly
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special Subscription page
Mentioned in the Show
Podcast Patronage
Subscribe and information on subscription levels.
Interesting Fauna:
Flying Squid
Sea Slug
Icehouse Tonight
Concert Series
Friday March 29th
George Hrab: Intimate Acoustic
featuring the complete Dark Side of the Moon
Call (484) 727-8GEO for ticket
Gary Kezele zombie
Podcast on the No Agenda Stream
8pm EST Mondays
NECSS: Stimulus/Response April 5th
Geo's Music: stock
Sign up for the mailing list: Write to Geo!
A reminder that the portal to the Geologic Universe is at GeorgeHrab.com.
Score more data from the Geologic Universe! Get George's Non-Coloring Book at Lulu, both as and E-BOOK and PRINT editions.
Check out Geo's wiki page thanks to Tim Farley.
Get your George HrApp here. Thanks to Gerry Orkin for the design and engineering.
Have a comment on the show, a Religious Moron tip, or a question for Ask George? Drop George a line and write to Geo's Mom, too!
Ms. Info sez: "Thanks and much love to all of you who have been
part of the Geologic Universe all these years. We hope you stick
around for years to come!"
Congratulations on 300 shows maestro! Quite the milestone. :D
(I'm thinking that I need to create a horn for my car that plays your "LAUGH!" audio from this show.)
Happy 12C Episodes, Geo! Here's to getting to 258!
i have to admit, i was expecting the big shouting "LAUGH!" during the last 2 or 3 seconds of the podcast during the birds-in-the-background-fadeout.
please don't ever do that again.
congrats on 300! Hawoo! Hawoo! Hawoo!
Hello :)
In regards to the subscription, could you please set it up so that if we want to donate, we could pay geologist or geographer subscription in a yearly lump sum? & yay for a shirt!!!
Totally in. YAY. YAY very much. :)
Congrats on reaching the milestone folks! Only 14 more 'til your (100xpi)th episode.
Now to scrape together $8 a month (that's only like half a euro, right?) and hope my Geologist T-shirt gets here before QEDCon.
This is soo exciting! I'm all in!