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Oct 31, 2013

The Show Notes

Sleep and the Snooze
The Daily Show
Interesting Fauna

     - The noisy boinking Midshipman fish: Porichthys notatus
Religious Moron(s) of the Week

     - South Carolina Soup Kitchen from Evil Eye
     - Carrabba’s Customers from Mike Crawford

     - Bible Burners from Jason Cherry
West of Memphis
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Mentioned in the Show

Porichthys notatus


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over eleven years ago

after hearing the news the other week, I wondered how G. would respond, especially after his comment the previous week about a deathbed confession.

Think singing Satalite of love was really touching.

Iason Ouabache
over eleven years ago

Thank you for mentioning the West Memphis 3. I've long been saying that more Skeptics need to get involved with social justice causes like them or < href="">The Innocence Project. Our criminal system is so dysfunctional right now and there are several topics that skeptics can help challenge like horrible interrogation techniques, easily corruptible prosecutors, the unreliability of eyewitness accounts and drug dogs, and the fact that our public defender system is completely broken. I'd rather see the Skeptic movement go after things like this than debunk Big Foot for the thousandth time.