Feb 12, 2015
The Show Notes
The worst movie I have seen in 10 years… if not more.
Thank you for all the e-mails
Installing a Sink
Religious Moron of the Week
- Bert Farias from Janet D
Things People Love That Actually Suck
- Breakfast in bed
Most loved and most hated companies
Ask George
- Guitar? from Justin
- Python? from Jason in Indianapolis
Super cool NECSS news coming SOON.
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The story Bert Farias was mangling was that of the Gadarene Swine, which is recounted in Mark 5: 1-20 and Luke 8: 26-39. The demons do ask Christ to send them into the pigs -- Farias got that part correct -- but there is no mention of homosexuality (or foul smells, or the motivation of the pigs in drowning themselves).
Regarding the bad movie Whiplash, writers and journalists know how to write but don't seem to know much about the topics that they write about.
OK, who what Geo quoting during that rambling political speech during horrorscopes?