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May 26, 2016

The Show Notes

Happy Towel Day!
Last week’s Religious Moron
Captain America: Civil War
Ask George
     - Ties and Collars? from Michael D.
     - Tie clips? from Zachary
     - Cuff links? from John in OZ
     - Pants pockets? from John in San Jose
BSS NECSS: Atlanta
Interesting Fauna
     - The Gerenuk or Litocranius walleri    
John McWhorter’s NECSS Talk
Religious Moron of the Week
     - Rep. Sally Kern from James Garrison
Twisted Olive Friday
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Mentioned in the Show

The Gerenuk

John McWhorter


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Have a comment on the show, a Religious Moron tip, or a question for Ask George? Drop George a line and write to Geo's Mom, too!

Lauren Bonenfant
eight and a half years ago

Could you post a you tube video showing yourself rolling your sleeves in the italian style you described? My 15 year old son loves to dress in nice shirts, ties and sometimes suits. When he rolls up his sleeves it is messy and a cool roll would take care of that problem. Thanks. Love everything you do. Lauren