May 24, 2018
The Show Notes
God has a plan
Losing at the gym while losing at the gym
History Chunk
- May 24th
Congrats to Skeptic Zone audio
Religious Moron of the Week
- Vickers "Vic" Cunningham from Mike
Rupert McClannahan’s Indestructible Bastards
- Léo Major
PFA20 this Friday
Geo’s 80s Sorta Sing-a-long next week
Show close
Mentioned in the
Richard Saunders and The Skeptic Zone
Tunes at Twilight May 31
Geo's 80s Acoustic show
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Score more data from the Geologic Universe! Get George's Non-Coloring Book at Lulu, both as and E-BOOK and PRINT editions.
Check out Geo's wiki page thanks to Tim Farley.
Have a comment on the show, a Religious Moron tip, or a question for Ask George? Drop George a line and write to Geo's Mom, too!