Aug 27, 2020
The Show Notes
Ren and Stimpy and can you like a horrible person’s art?
Ask George
- Pretty In Pink?
from Evo
Damian Handzy’s Facts That’ll Fuck Y’Up
- Soviet Plane, Mileva Maric, Hey Jude, Pringles, more…
Tell Me Something Good
- Classroom
Religious Moron of the Week
Falwell Update (again)
- Invalid Baptisms from Steve
Interesting Fauna
- Slingshot
Spider (genus Theridiosomatid)
Inkredulous LIVE Thursday the 27th, 2pm edt
Special Saturday Show- 13 Songs, Episode 10: Bridges
Dragon*Con and Icehouse streaming shows
Show close
in the Show
Pretty in Pink
Guitar and
Bass Lesson
Something Good:
"Two Florida teachers turned their students' desks
into little Jeeps to make social distancing less
Interesting Fauna
Slingshot Spider
Thursday, August 27 at 2pm EDT
Geo: Live from
Saturday, September 5 at 9pm EDT
Geo: Live from
Icehouse Tonight
Tuesday, September 15 at 7pm EDT
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A reminder that the portal to the Geologic Universe is at Thanks to Joseph Kolasinski, our webmaster.
Check out Geo's wiki page thanks to Tim Farley.
Have a comment on the show, a Religious Moron tip, or a question for Ask George? Drop George a line and write to Geo's Mom, too!