Apr 22, 2023
The Show Notes
1. Terpsichore I
2. Stop Shouting
3. Terpsichore II
4. A Little Too Little Too Late
5. Terpsichore III
6. Is This Happening
7. Insomnia
8. Terpsichore IV
9. White Noise
10. Pretty Awful
11. Bitter Angelica
12. Once I’m Famous & Rich
13. How Did You Do It
14. Drowning ≠ Drowning
music & lyrics- George Hrab
Matt Asti- piano, organ, clavinova, synths
Dave Painchaud- brass and brass arrangements
Kiera Wilhelm- vocals
Raysa Michelle- vocals
Dina Hall- vocals
Dale Gerheart- vocals on Is This
Neil Wetzel- saxophone on Is This
Happening, White Noise, Bitter
Milton Mermikides- guitar solo on Stop
Shouting, guitars on White Noise
Slau- guitar solo on Pretty Awful,
additional keyboards
George Hrab -drums, bass, guitars, percussion,
vocals, additional keyboards
Recorded, engineered, mixed, & mastered by Slau at BeSharp
Studios, Astoria, NY
April 22,
The George Hrab Band
Album Release Concert & Listen Through
at The Icehouse
Bethlehem, Pa.
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A reminder that the portal to the Geologic Universe is at GeorgeHrab.com. Thanks to Joseph Kolasinski, our webmaster.
Check out Geo's wiki page, thanks to Tim Farley.
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