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Jun 19, 2008

The Show Notes

A stupidly long rant about certain members of the audience in D.C.
The speech I gave my Dad for his 65th Birthday

- Mr. Ivan Stenchenko
- Mr. and Mrs. Taras and Ludmilla Venkovitch
- Klaus Hoffmanovitch
- Dad's first Phys. Ed. Teacher
- Robert David from
- Ihor Abrahmiuk
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Mentioned in the show: the Center for Inquiry; brainbodyboth lyrics; brainsbodyboth at iTunes; Coelacanth at iTunes; Soccergirl, Incorporated; Mr. Hrab in the world's best tux jacket; Tempo in their heyday; Allie Dvorin, and TAM6 details and Geo's listing.

Not mentioned in the show: Brent Weichsel from The Underdeveloped Podcast has posted the first part of his incredibly cool interview with Geo. Perspective 26: George Hrab part uno.

Score more data from the Geologic Universe! Get George's music at CD Baby and iTunes, and Non-Coloring Book at Lulu, both as download and print editions.

Have a comment on the show, a topic for the Hrabbi, or a question for Ask George? Drop George a line and write to Geo's Mom, too!

Ms. Information says a few things: 1) Thanks, Brent, for the interview. The Maestro will reference that in the next cast. 2) To all you TAM6 attendees and participants- I have no doubt it will be a wonderful symposium. Have a great time!

Photoshop CS4
over fifteen years ago

Photoshop CS4
Windows XP
Microsoft Office

Richard Murray
over sixteen years ago

Facebook people:

I noticed a severe absence of presence from one drummer; the only other George Hrab was an abrasive looking fellow from Edmonton, so a page was created.

over sixteen years ago

\\\"A stupidly long rant about certain members of the audience in D.C.\\\"

This thing inspired me to buy your Coelacanth album... funny shit!

over sixteen years ago

@Dan -- Greydon Square was very good. (Even before the show he was playing the piano in the lobby. It sounded like he was just noodling around, but noodling extremely well.) I guess in spirit he reminds me of old Public Enemy and Ice-T, but with an atheist twist.

over sixteen years ago

TAM. What can we say about that, good speakers, plenty of intresting people to talk to and I bought George a diet coke. ;-) My only regret is that the combo of a stomach upset and jet lag stopped me from going to Georges and Greydons concent. But nice to see George and Soccergirl there together. Its funny though I imagined both would be taller, must be a wierd psycological thing.

over sixteen years ago

Reporting from TAM6 -- I have a few minutes left on this machine since printing my boarding pass...

Geo gave great show last night, folks. Go see him if you get a chance. He\'s very gentle with drooling fanboys, too. :-)

And, um, Neil DeGrasse Tyson totally kicks ass. Just sayin\'.

over sixteen years ago

hey geo. About the same time as u, my gf broke up with me. i feel your pain brother. sigh burgers.
Hope ur feeling better.

Ms. Information
over sixteen years ago

Die-hard self-proclaimed feminists who are 70s anachronisms sabotage their so-called message by their over-arching need for attention. They don\'t realize the cultural landscape has changed on many levels and cannot see the disconnect for the blindness to their own irrelevance. Their bleating harangues only end up in self-caricature. Feh.

over sixteen years ago

Yeah, that B3 story you told was great...if it was me I probably would have started mumbling and....crying....if it was my song being dissed I mean.

Still, I\\\'d really like to know what she and her husband discussed afterward...if he wasn\\\'t coming to kick your ass for arguing with her does that mean he agreed with you and so she beat him when they got home?

also the term queef dust made me snort this morning...kinda loud...I don\\\'t think anyone heard though...


over sixteen years ago

I\\\'m not even close to finished with the show, but I totally know how you feel. I can\'t stand it when people try to converse during a show, ruining it for everyone else. A couple of guys tried doing that at ZPZ until I turned around (they were RIGHT behind me) and just stared at them until they shut up. Took \'em a minute, but mostly didn\'t hear them from then on out.

J. D.
over sixteen years ago

For the record, the woman from CFI who organized the show (whose name you blanked on) is the wonderful and hard-working Melody Hensley.

J. D.

Philippa Ballantine
over sixteen years ago

Personally I think even feminists might enjoy getting on all fours sometimes. Just saying... ;-)

Patrick Lawrence
over sixteen years ago

\\\"Queef Dust\\\". Thanks. It\\\'s been almost 12 hours since I heard you utter those 2 words, and I still can\\\'t stop hearing it and laughing!

Mari from Michigan
over sixteen years ago

Wow, Geo. No apologies needed for the harshness. It\\\'s exactly what she deserved! I really respect you for the way you responded to her.

Brent Weichsel
over sixteen years ago

No worries by next show the full interview will be up. Which trust me the second part is amazing!

I totally understand what you mean George (in regards to the woman at the show) with that it comes down to a certain point where it\\\'s a Woman talking to a Man and they will not even listen to your point just based on your gender.

Jeff Bennett
over sixteen years ago

Sounds like you need to right a new song just for Linder.

Jeff Bennett
over sixteen years ago

I mean write, obviously

Ms. Information
over sixteen years ago

Jeff dear-

Two rights don\'t make a wrong. Both will do.

Ms. Info

over sixteen years ago

Yo, I love CFI!
You should check out Point of Inquiry, their podcast. Also the Reasonable Doubts Podcast is awesome! Both very thought-provoking podcasts.

over sixteen years ago

Take my brain, please. It\'s hardly been used.


Anyway, the BBB thing...that\'s just sad. One gets the feeling that it\'s a case where \"the cause\" has ceased to be about the cause and has merely become a vehicle for the person\'s own self-involvement.

(Kind of like me and my long-ass pretentious comments....)

Loved the speech for your Dad. That\'s incredibly sweet, and among other things it proves once again that making fun of Nazis never goes out of style. (In hindsight, Indiana Jones & the Crystal Skull should have been about Hitler\'s brain.)

Blah blah blah. Have fun at TAM!

Ms. Information
over sixteen years ago

Dan dear-

I would be happy to write an excuse note for you.

Ms. Info