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Sep 28, 2017

The Show Notes

How are they making any money?
Wetsuit Story
Rupert McClannahan’s Indestructible Bastards
     - Beck Weathers
Religious Moron of the Week
     - Rick Wiles from Bill Dowling
Ask George
     - Uniform at a Funeral? from Blake in CO
     - Ancestry Accuracy? from Joey H.
Interesting Fauna

Sep 21, 2017

The Show Notes

Concert T-Shirts
SGU FBLive was fun as ever.
Captivating True Stories from
The Adventures of The Philadelphia Funk Authority

     - My husband…
10 Stupid Desserts Ranked by How Stupid They Are
Interesting Fauna
     - Cherax pulcher crayfish
Religious Moron of the Week
     - Shaman Suprianto...

Sep 14, 2017

The Show Notes

Habits and the brain
Sad news about Virgil Howe
Dr. Damian Handzy’s Facts That’ll Fuck Y’Up
     - Katrina, Boobs, Tom Cruise, Bismuth and more
Ask George
     - Philosophical Trash? from Jim
     - Tie options? from Bruno
The Orville
Religious Moron of the Week
     - Ted Cruz. It...

Sep 7, 2017

The Show Notes

Ruth Institute Karma’s Gonna Get Ya'
Rock & Roll’s accent
Religious Moron of the Week
     - Pastor Mitch Olson from Larry Miller (via FriendlyAtheist)
Walter Becker 1950 - 2017
     - Black Cow
Things People Love that Actually Suck
     - Bridal Traditions
Geo’s Mom Reads Jay-Z Lyrics