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Aug 28, 2013

The Show Notes

My solipsistic heart rate 
The end of the Land Line
Things People Love That Actually Suck

     - Asking for Forgiveness
Religious Morons of the Week

     - Huang Jianjun from Steve Reaver

     - Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons

     - Lion “Saving” Chen from Paul Fischer

Aug 22, 2013

The Show Notes

“Sound” man
No Thanks. Remind Me Later. Yes.
Ask George
     - Suits? from Michael
     - Grammar? from Chris
     - Drum Machine? from Ceejay
     - MP3/CD/Vinyl? from Bruno
T-Shirts & Last Aid Kits
Religious Moron of the Week
     -Darek Isaacs from Larry Miller
     -The Gastonguay...

Aug 15, 2013

The Show Notes: 21812

George Hrab & The Geologic Orchestra
21812: A Gneiss Night Out

[first half of the concert]

DVD available at

1. The Coelacanth Sighs
2. When I Was Your Age
3. Everything Alive Will Die Someday
4. Simple Simian
5. God is Not Great
6.The Assumption
7. Ms. Information

Aug 9, 2013

The Show Notes

Start Making Sense
Working on Occ
How the hell is a film ever good?
Rupert McClannahan’s Indestructible Bastards 

     - Sir Adrian Paul Ghislain Carton de Wiart
Additional Skeptical Bible References
Religious Morons of the Week

     - David Shormann from Illya Schwartz
- Dola...

Aug 1, 2013

The Show Notes

The Post Office
Anxious ‘bout Occ
Religious Moron(s) of the Week
     - Alabama Public Service Commission from Tressa Lee Breen
     - Bishop Jackson from James HG Robocop
Interesting Fauna
     - The Hawkmoth
Musikfest reminder
Ask George
     - Drum Tuning? from Harlan
     - Bible arguments?...