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May 8, 2014

The Show Notes

Blue Turtles vocal rehearsal
No More Noggin Tagging
Horror Scopes
Glow-in-the-dark road? Not so much.
Ask George
     - Crowning Achievement? from Brandon in FLA
     - Earplugs? from Johanna
     - Air Drumming? from Dave
     - Art Math? from Paul Fischer
     - Chemical Creativity? from John
Religious Moron(s) of the Week
     - The “American” “Family” “Association” from Jonathan Tindel
     - Indonesian Rape Assholes and Sharia Shmucks from Brandon Goff
     - Chief Justice Roy Moore of the Alabama Supreme Court from David Ingram
PFA in New Hope and the Poconos
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almost eleven years ago

If we read between the lines of the AFA statement, there's an interesting observation to be made about their take on economics. There's a good or service a given consumer wishes to purchase and that consumer has narrowed the choice of providers down to two choices: one that has one of those stickers and one that doesn't. All else being equal, the consumer might actually base the choice of the final provider on the presence or absence of this sticker. This is legitimately an argument of the free market, and the AFA is afraid that market forces will favor the business with the sticker. If that's the case, then the presence or absence of the law will become meaningless and irrelevant.

So they're lashing out against the free market because they know that they're on the losing side of history. They thus wish to have a relevancy they neither have earned, nor deserve.

almost eleven years ago

Graham Chapman of the Pythons was definitely not sober for most of their run -- he had a serious drinking problem, and it caused a lot of problems for the group, especially his working relationship with John Cleese (his closest collaborator). He started to notice it was causing him problems during the filming of Holy Grail, when the DTs often made him unable to perform. He eventually realized it would kill him if he kept it up, and quit cold turkey in 1977.