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Nov 26, 2015

The Show Notes

Toorkey toorkey toorkey
Being Thankful
Interesting Fauna
     - The Chiton and its hundreds of rock eyes
Ask George
     - Live Music? from Duggie B
     - Odd time? from Michael
Broad Street Score
Religious Moron of the Week
     - Kevin Swanson from Jody Boese
PFA Black Friday at...

Nov 19, 2015

The Show Notes

Thrak, Thrak, and more Thrak
TEDx talk now on-line
Plait, Wiseman, & Zombie tags
Ask George
     - Performing in Church? from Jean-François D.
     - Dying and Funerals? from Don H. and Nathaniel
Religious Moron of the Week
     - William Murray, chairman of the Religious Freedom...

Nov 12, 2015

The Show Notes

Parthenons of Sadness
Tracks and my first Centris
Religious Moron of the Week
     - Kevin Swanson from Jay Novella
Spectre & bad “old” photos in movies
Mortimer once more calls in again, again
Marian Call North East Tour
Ask George
     - Swearing? from Dudley
     - Musicians? from...

Nov 5, 2015

The Show Notes

Pad Thai and Accounting for Taste
PDQ Bach Golden Anniversary
Religious Moron of the Week
- The guy that wrote this horrible article about your wife. from Jody Boese
The History Chunk
- November 5th
Ask George
- Producers? from Chris
Dr. Damian Handzy’s Facts That’ll Fuck...