Mar 3, 2011
The Show Notes
Mom’s Birthday Conversation
QED’s 10-23 crunch
Phone Tree
Interesting Fauna
- Bat Uses Carnivorous Plant as Toilet from
Cian Mac Mahon
Vrooom with Dr. Milton Mermikides
Minoishe Interroberg’s To Make With The Good English
- Isolate as a verb, adjective, or noun
from Brandon in Florida
Religious Morons of the Week
- Voodoo Candle Guy
- Sen. Mark Christensen from Bruce
- The Masturbating Rev. Grant Storms
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Mentioned in the Show
QED 10-23 Homeopathy Overdose
Video courtesy of The Pod Delusion
Vrooom performed by Geo and Milton
Video courtesy of The Skeptic
Doctor Milton Mermikides on the netz
and Himself
on twitter
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Check out Geo's wiki page thanks to Tim Farley.
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Ms. Information sez: "Congratulations, huzzahs and yippees to Dr. M.M.!"
George, the arrangement/performance of "Vrooom" was fantastic! You guys really need to make a good recording of that (thank goodness for high-speed Internet that makes possible trans-Atlantic collaborations).
I liked the "VROOOM" performance, but like the songs from THRAK that appear on the live album HEAVY CONSTRUKCTION, it underscores just how over-rated the KC "double trio" was. Listening to the versions without the extra bassist and drummer, I really don't hear what's missing.
I bought the last Trebuchet you brought on the tour.
Reading the lyrics I got to correct a minor mishearing of mine in Sviatososlav Lobster: Aha! It is "the CALM on his face is due to my assistance".
That is not as dirty as what I've been hearing.
I WANT the mouth-drumming noise from the phone tree for my iPhone's text/email notification. Anybody know how to do that?
You sounded a bit unsure as to who it was that did the #Ten23 in Antarctica. It was in fact @FossilCrox (on twitter), also known as Dr Paul Willis who also hosted TAM Australia.
The video of his "overdose" is here -
There is a saying that goes something like this:
The Good-Old-Days are Here-and-Now!
They always have been.